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Bringing projects to life.

Avid Advisory is your trusted project development, stakeholder engagement and leadership support specialist.

The Avid Advantage

Positive change and innovation starts with an idea – and Avid Advisory.

Avid Advisory positions your program or project for success right from the start.

We make sure the right people are ‘in the room’, the right message is being communicated and the strategy is in place to bring your idea to life and create an enduring legacy.

Key Sectors


Strategy, pipeline planning, maturity planning, benefits realisation, stakeholder and industry engagement

Disaster Recovery

Community engagement and on-the-ground  recovery program implementation

Renewable Energy

Service line integration, approvals pathways, commercial solar and project management

Planning + Design

Local and state government, statutory and strategic land use planning, policy and urban design projects

Circular Economy

Strategic analysis, industry sounding, partnership development and peak industry body formation

Impact Start Ups

Start up guidance, coaching and support for social and environmental impact organisations

Want advantage? Think Avid.
We want you to succeed. 

Working with Avid Advisory is an investment in the success and long-term sustainability of your project or organisation.  

The Avid advantage is knowing that you have the clarity and confidence required to deliver your project successfully.


Are you a government agency planning a landmark infrastructure program or a new policy?


Avid can develop and implement an effective industry engagement or market sounding program so your project meets market expectations.

Are you implementing large scale reform that will have long-term industry-wide impacts?


Avid can develop a maturity pathway and legacy plan to enable the enduring benefits of your reform program.

Are you a project developer looking to engage with local communities impacted by your project?


Avid can develop and implement a collaborative stakeholder engagement program to communicate your project and build social license with communities.

Your next project...


Get in touch to see how Avid can add value to your project or program!

Are you a leader experiencing rapid growth or negotiating organisational change?


Avid can provide bespoke individual or team coaching and support to provide stability and optimise the transition.

Are you a social or environmental impact organisation looking to optimise the strategy and function of your group?


Avid can act as an an interim CEO to help your group focus, develop a strategy and maximise impact.

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